
The Pulse of Entertainment - April 5, 2022

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The Pulse of Entertainment: Wordsmith's Partnership with Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Extended Until 2024


(April 5, 2022) - "CBS had a conference, I was at the same table as the V.P. of BSO...found out we want to entertain in each others' arenas," said Wordsmith about his partnership with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra that lasts until 2024.

Baltimorean Wordsmith, born Anthony Parker, rewrites classical pieces bringing that urban flavor or as he said bringing the pieces, "to current times."

"I wrote tons of music for television and I'm a part of the classical realm...rewriting older pieces," he humbly stated.

Aside from his partnership with the BSO Wordsmith is an entrepreneur via Wordsmith Music and NU Revolution Entertainment and a philanthropist through his non-profit Rise with a Purpose. Currently Wordsmith's non-profit is raising funds for the people of the Ukraine. It so happens that his label has an Ukrainian Punk-Rock band on its roster.

"The state funded me (Rise with a Purpose) to go to 11 countries...teaching," said the songwriter, actor, and performer. "I do God's work. I love to do this...being a vehicle to help others."

Wordsmith's life is full and he's still not finished achieving.

"I'm never set," he told me when I asked. "I'm hungry for more all the time."

This, I am sure, comes from his passion to provide for his family.

"I worked for the government for 13 years to support my family," Wordsmith explained about his humble beginnings to being a partner with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and founder of an organization funded by his home state to travel around the world teaching what he holds close to his heart - music.

When I asked him about his background he said, "It's a mixture of everything. I have a degree in performing arts and background in radio and television. I studied at Morgan and finished at Salisbury. Music-wise I'm bless to be able to do my passion...I made sure I had income...followed my passion."

The word-smith has also written music for the NFL, Netflix and WWE.

SYNDICATED COLUMN: Dr. Eunice Moseley has an estimated weekly readership of over one million with The Pulse of Entertainment. She is also a Public Relations and Business Management Strategist and Consultant at Freelance Associates, and is Promotions Director (at-large) for The Baltimore EVENTS: "Uplifting Minds II" Entertainment Conference (ULMII), founded by Eunice in 1999, is into its 23rd year. Next events are coming to Baltimore via Zoom Saturday April 16, 2022 presented by Security Square Mall and The Baltimore Times, and Los Angeles via Zoom Saturday, November 5, 2022. The ULMII event is a free entertainment conference offering a Professional Industry Panel Q&A Session, a Professional Talent Showcase and National Talent Competition (vocal, songwriting, dance and acting) where aspiring artists have a chance to receive over $17,000 valued in prizes/product/services. Log onto for more information or to RSVP for Zoom Access email

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The Pulse of Entertainment * 562-424-3836 * *
(c) 2024