Enhance Productivity, Be Inspired and Motivated! Journey
to Success: A Systematic Review Webinar Saturday
July 22, 2023 Saturday November 18, 2023 (5pmPST/8pmEST) Webinar offers a sytematic review of achieving success to enhance productivity on
the job, and inspire and motivate you in your life and career. Log onto EventBrite <here> to purcahse admission or email us at info@thepulseofentertainment.com to purchase the Journey to Success Package via Zelle. The package includes access to one live
airing, a private link to Webinar, PDF of presentation, and a copy of "Journey
to Success: A Systematic Review" (Dorrance Publishing), a nonfiction book on success by Dr. Eunice Moseley. Admission
to live auring, link, presentation slides and book sold separately. Webinar Speakers 
Dr. Eunice Moseley - President: Freelance Associates
- Founder: Uplifting Minds II Entertainment
- Syndicated Columnist: The
Pulse of Entertainment
- Author: "Journey
to Success: A systematic review"
| Achieving Success Webinar Speaker/Moderator BIO: Dr. Eunice Moseley will speak on achieving success.
She is the head of Freelance Associates and has a long career in communications. It started while servicing in the Navy as
Internet Communications supervisor. It continued in print media for over 20 years in management (Business, Sales, Entertainment
Editor, Promotions Director) at The Baltimore Times newspaper. Dr. Moseley has been a journalistm for over
30 years and for over 20 years she has published The Pulse of Entertainment, which has an estimated weekly readership
of one million. She founded and coordinates the "Uplifting Minds II" Entertainment Conference in Baltimore and Los
Angeles, now in its 24th year. Dr. Moseley, in this websinar, will share research data that can be found in her new book Journey
to Success: A systematic review (Dorrance Publishing). |
"You did a ton of work - this is hours and hours. Amazing job! Your visuals,
text and voice narration all come together to make an excellent presentation on e-Learning and Gamification. Pretty mind-blowing
stuff! Great technical execution - recording and producing the presentation -- you found some great information! I really
appreciate your attention to detail from what is on the screen to the quality of your audio- not easy to do. This hits the
mark! Very relevant!" - Dr. McPherson/Walden University to Dr. Moseley on her multi-media presentation 
Dr. Lee Bailey - Publisher: EURweb.com
- President:
- Former Host RadioScope
| Overcoming Setbacks and Adversities Webinar Speaker BIO: Dr. Lee Bailey will speak on overcoming setbacks
and adversities. He is the publisher of EURweb.com (Electronic Urban Radio) and CEO of Rabercom. For over 30 years he was
syndicated radio host of RadioScope. He is an Air Force veteran who started his first radio show while in service called,
becoming known on the radio as "The Voice" for his baritone vocals. His RadioScope Show was aired on over 35 radio
stations across the country. His digital magazine, EURweb.com, is the most popular digital pubication for black entertainment
news surviving media crisis after crisis, the recession and the Covid pandemic. Bailey's content has been used by many entities,
such as the Los Angeles Motor Vehicle Administration and cell phone apps. Dr. Bailey will share his experiences overcoming
setbacks and adversities. |
"It took me a while to appreciate (the popularity). I am not comfortable with people making
a big deal. I am low key. I do the work and keep it moving. I think it's my calling." - Dr. Lee Bailey on receiving
an honor from the Black Business Association. 
Dr. Kerri Moseley-Hobbs - Founder: More Than a Fraction Foundation
- Artist Manager of SAG/AFTRA award winning
actor Anthony Michael Hobbs
- Vice President of
Production at Imagination Lunchbox, LLC
- Author:
"More Than a Fraction: Based on a true story"
| Know Your Worth Webinar Speaker BIO: Dr. Kerri Moseley-Hobbs will speak on knowling
your worth. She is the founder of the More Than a Fraction Foundation which conducts research on the history of African-Americans
and Africans in American from the 18th Century on. Dr. Moseley-Hobbs is a guest lecture on history. She is also an artist
manager (Anthony-Michael.com) of multi-award winning SAG/AFTRA actor Anthony Michael Hobbs (PBS, DreamWorks) and filmmaker(ImaginationLunchbox.com).
Dr. Kerri is also Vice President of film production at Imagination Lunchbox, LLC, and is a member of the board of the Smithfield-Preston
Foundation which oversees part of the grounds at Virgina Tech. Dr. Moseley-Hobbs has a long career in education (financial
aid). She will also share some research conducted for her creative non-fiction book "More Than a Fraction: Based on a
true story." |
"As the great-great-great-granddaughter of Thomas Fraction, Moseley-Hobbs
gives an awesome testimony of where her family has been and the refusal to accept less than freedom..." - InsightNews.com/A Book Review on Dr. Hobbs book. 
Pastor Winston Grier - Minister at The Church of the Living God in Georgia
- Christian Radio host at 104.9FM's "Changing Our World"
- Author of "Making Money God's Way"
| Making Money Webinar Speaker BIO: Dr. Winston Grier will speak on making money. He is a pastor at The Church of the Living God, a radio host of 104.9FM's
"Changing Our World" in Georga, and author of "Making Money God's Way." Pastor Winston's Christian radio
show was launched in 2015. He will share money making strategies that are in his new book "Making Money God's Way"
(GW Ministgries). |
"When someone says your word has done something for them...changed their
world,..that's encouraging." - Pastor Winston Grier in
an interview with The Pulse of Entertainment |
| |
Purchase here also:
$49.00 Freelance
Associates' Journey to Success: A Systematic Review Webinar ' (Includes
Live Airing Access, and Private Link to Webinar.)
$95.00 Freelance Associates' Journey to Success: A Systemtic Review Webinar (Includes Live Airing Access, private link to Webinar and PDF of Presentation.)
$115.00 Freelance Associates' Journey to Success: A Systematic Review Webinar (Includes Live Airing Access, PDF of Presentation, private link to Webinar, and
a copy of the "Journey to Success: A Systematic Review" (Dorrance Publishing) a nonfiction book on success by Dr.
Eunice Moseley.)